I have a fairly good idea on how to proceed, in that regard, will post updates, when I finally get to it.
Along with that, I was specifically, wondering, regarding the iOS app, how does the editor GUI Code, running on a WebView on iOS interact with the Openframeworks layer? I still haven’t been able to figure out that specific part, any help is appreciated.
I don’t think they will be problem since, the new Vuforia SDK seems to have fixed that on their side.
EDIT 2: I sort of have it figured out, I notice functions like window.location.href = of://function_name being used, in multiple places, and they seem to callbacks to the iOS app, any chance what these functions do, to be documented?
EDIT 3: Along with the previously, mentioned, there’s also, iframe.contentWindow.postmessages happening, do these go the event listener on the Window, or to the iOS app, side.
Quick update, finished on the a pure Java API temporarily, since that was easier. Working on sorting out OpenGL issues on the C++ API side for ofx. If needed, the Java API can be used. I needed it for something else.
Hey, @ryandoublem well, I’ve been busy, and well, haven’t gotten to the major parts, yet. You are welcome to help. Let me know what experience do you have?
The API/Header files, I’ve directly copied them from the iOS one, since I’m actually implementing a wrapper for the Vuforia/QCar on the C++ side not the Java side. The implementation is similar, only thing, I got stuck on was that, I notice the OpenGL, is a part of the Java side on Android, where as on the iOS it’s along with it. So, I had to test if I could get Vuforia/QCar the camera running from the openframeworks side, without any extras.
@yfan41 Good to hear some traction on this, give me the weekend, I’ll put up the headerfiles on Github. Right now, the current situation is that we first have to port ofxQCAR to Android, and well my previous reply, will tell you the state I’m in, if, I can get through that, then I should be easily able to complete it. You are welcome to help, let me know, if you’ve dealt with Android NDK or Vuforia, before?
@yfan41 A bit late, but I don’t think NDK will be required to be learned, for the ofxQCAR port, mostly because of the module being a pure C++ module for OpenFrameworks.
Good to know. I’m in the middle of a Android Tutorial though.
So I’ve looked it up. There is a project on Github for ofxQCAR. Would that be the best document to learn about ofxQCAR? Except that, can you hint me on how to get started with ofxQCAR so that I can help with the project.
We have to, only port ofxQCAR.h, ofxQCAR_App.h, ofxVuforiaSession.h . And that’s it. The only minor issue, (not sure if it’s an issue) is that to verify if QCAR/Vuforia’s C++ Android side works already on the openFrameworks, without the ofx wrapper. For now, I’ve only taken the headers and modified them as proposed.
EDIT: Regarding, learning wise mostly, but there’s also the examples on the Vuforia website, that will help.