Does OpenHybrid image support Arduino Bridge function, like Bridge, Process, Console, HttpClient and etc..?


Does OpenHybrid image support Arduino Bridge function, like Bridge, Process, Console, HttpClient and etc…?

My purpose is to ask ATmega32u4 to send a request to Linino linux to execute a curl command to its node server.

I have two questions here.

  1. Does Bridge.begin() break the communication between server.js on linux and the code running ATmega32u4?
  2. How to execute a shell script on arduino linux without breaking the serial port communication with Hybrid

I added a piece of code in hardwareInterfaces/arduinoYun/index.js to deal with the command from serial port and I send a command like Serial.write(“lightTurnOn”).
However, this command only shows on serial monitor, not to linux.

Any idea are welcome. Thank you a lot.


  1. The serial communication via Bridge.begin in Arduino is not working with the Open Hybrid Image, because the Serial connection is reserved for the Open Hybrid serial protocol.
  2. You need to login to the Arduino linux via ssh. The Shell is disabled via Hardware Serial.

Hi, @valentin,

Thanks. I’ve confirmed that.
Now I made it work by adding some commands in the library.
Or I can use the status of PINs to make Arduino and Arduino Linux talk to each other. :smile: