Google Summer of code 2016

Hi all ,

We are planning to apply for the GSoC 2016 , the applications for mentoring organisation has already started ( in our case the MIT media lab) , the deadline in February 19 th .
We will be making an ideas page for the GSoC from which the students can select for doing, when the organisation gets selected.
@Carsten @buitregool we should prepare a list of the ideas ( more hardware interfaces or support for reality editor on android ).
@carsten both of us can apply with an idea when the student application starts .
please spread the word to any interested students ,
also we need two mentors from the Media lab @valentin

To fill in the gab for everyone else. @V_Mohammed_Ibrahim and I have been emailing a bit about the Summer of Code. I think it would be a good idea to participate in the Summer of Code. It could get some of you funding for projects. Its difficult for me in the moment to find time to actively contribute with the proposal. I am happy to give critique and mentor. If there is a proposal that we can send in, I will find another mentor in the media lab.

We need to submit the application before 19th .
The main part is the ideas page .
For reference :


2 .

here are some ideas ( a list of 4-5 ideas with Pre-requsites and difficulty level would be enough)

  1. Reality Editor Support for android ( This could span into multiple tasks )
    Does the realty editor come under any opensource license ?

  2. Pyhton-nodejs interface for PI-GPIO ( I will be doing this)

@Carsten add in any ideas you get . we will get the organisation application ready by 15th
@valentin what do you think?

@valentin someone from Media Lab has to apply here first :
Then we can know what are the other requirements :slightly_smiling:
i am also sharing you a doc with the possible info for the application
doc link :

Here is a link to GSoC Terms page : Google Summer of Code

I won’t be able to participate. By the time the event takes place I hopefully will have finished my studies :-).
Another idea:

  • developing and implementing a concept for the integration of (logical) operators

@Carsten then you can apply as mentor :slight_smile: , then you can be my mentor if we get selected ?

@V_Mohammed_Ibrahim That would probably be a lot of fun :wink: but I don’t know where I will end up after finishing my studies. So I probably won’t find the time…

@valentin it looks like MIT media lab is in GSoC this time also but only MIT App Inventor is there