- Once the SD Card is unmounted, clone the image file to the SD Card.
You can do this step with the following command:
sudo dd if=hybrid.dmg of=[your SDCard Name]
The Terminal will ask for your password.
Once you have started the process, it can take a few minutes until the terminal responds again.
You have now successfully prepared the SD Card for your Hybrid Object.
- Reset your Arduino
- Now plug the mini SD Card into your Arduino and power it up.
Once the white LED on your Arduino glows, you will find an open WIFI named Arduino followed by some numbers.
- Connect to this network.
step 3.
When i plug the mini SD Card into the Arduino and power it up,The white LED doesn’t glow,and it always lights.
I’m sure that i have successfully prepared the SD Card.
Hi @eohtol
do you see any hotspot with name starting like “Arduino -XXXXX” ?
if the 'dd: tool is not working you can use the windows tutorial Arduino Yun via Windows
Hope it works 
Unfortunately,it doesn’t work.
Yesterday,i succesfully maked out the Arduino Yun Example under the direct of the example and disconnected the power directly.It doesn’t work when i powered it on again.
I checked the system log and kernel log in Arduino Web Panel,it always shows me ‘usb 1-1.4: reset high-speed USB device number 3 using ehci-platform’, what does it mean?
I don’t understand the function of README.md in this page. GitHub - openhybrid/object: Hybrid Objects code
what’s the relationships between README.md and steps in this page? Arduino Yun via OSX & Linux
Sorry to put so much question,i am really confused!
Thank you!
Try doing a fresh install.
First reset the yun arduino processor, the Linux processor and wlan using the buttons on the yun .
then use the windows tutorial i mentioned earlier to burn image to SD card.
This should have your hybrid object ready.
You can refer to the guides in www.openhybrid.org for now it is very less confusing, the github documentation is under progress.
Hi…i am a new user here. As per my knowledge you should first reset the yun arduino processor, the Linux processor and wlan using the buttons on the yun and then use the windows tutorial i mentioned earlier to burn image to SD card. This should have your hybrid object ready.